Matt Sheehy
I discovered a talent to externalise what I see in my mind’s eye from a very early age, which grew over time to become the driving force of my life. Painting has always been my rock, my purpose through thick and thin. Images springing from the experience of waking life, dreams and meditative states of consciousness, there is almost no separation between my thoughts, life experiences and my artwork.
To me art is the blurring of the objective and subjective, as external reality and the imaginal become one. If there is any goal for what I do it is to open peoples minds, to bring them images that haven’t been seen before. When we experience the new it opens the mind to accepting a previous unknown, an ever expanding feedback loop of novelty. They are thought forms made flesh, living through the minds of those who see them. It is to dance on the edge of reality and bring back what I see.